Naivasha Safari Rally Fans who are headed to World Rally Championship in Naivasha have been advised to carry extra packets of condoms just in case they will need to use them as many of the ladies have gone to the event to prey on men disguising themselves as escort ladies.
Condom distributors have warned of a shortage of free condoms that are usually procured and distributed by the government.
And now, some Non-Governmental Organizations have chipped in to save the situation for the rally enthusiasts who will attend the three-day event in Naivasha Safari Rally.
“We have 10,000 condoms only that were bought by our partners because at the moment there are no free ones that are usually given out for free by the government,” King’s Condom’s Promotion CEO Stanley Ngara said.

Ngara however said, together with his team, they are in Naivasha to sensitise the youths about the dangers of unsafe sex during such events.
“We are approaching young girls to educate and distribute to them the available condoms in collaboration with AHF Kenya who bought the protective gears,” explained Ngara.
“If the demand will be high, we will be forced to increase the number of condoms for Saturday and the climax of the event on Sunday,” he added
Unlike free condoms that are usually provided by the government, Ngara said the ones they are distributing are of good quality and one packet goes for only Sh50.
He attributed the shortage of condoms to the high taxes imposed by the government but expressed concern that if the issue is not addressed there would be increased cases of HIV, teen pregnancies and an uncontrolled population.
“The government has been procuring the condoms on its own, while some NGOs procure on their own to supplement what is available because the demand is so high,” Ngara noted.
Ngara has been supplying free sheaths to men and commercial sex workers in the country for more than 20 years. He says the situation needs urgent discussion.
“Not long ago, an NGO procured condoms worth Sh10 million but the taxes were almost double the amount, yet their aim is to supplement what the government offers for free,” he noted
When the country encounters such challenges, many people who cannot access condoms are exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases and infections.
“The government is giving out free ARVS, yet they are putting people at risk. The high taxes which are being imposed on the protective gears will come to haunt the government,” Ngara added.
A recent audit alleged that around 1.1 million condoms, 908,000 mosquito nets, and tuberculosis drugs worth $91,000 (83,000 euros) disappeared from the state-run Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) and were resold on the black market to private pharmacies.
During the World Rally Championships held last year in Naivasha Safari Rally , more than 120,000 condoms were distributed targeting the youth and Safari rally enthusiasts who had thronged the venue for the event that lasted three days.
“We wanted them to engage in safe sex after a night of partying,” he added. The three-day event was attended by hundreds of Safari Rally fans from various towns.
In February, Karex, the world’s largest condom manufacturer, reported that business has gone financially soft amid the coronavirus pandemic, with sales declining as much as 40 per cent in the past two years.