Forget strip joints, Koinange Street, Luthuli, the sex pests in the Coast dealing with underage girls, and other areas that harbour prostitution, there is a new-fangled spot that at face value passes as a PR and Marketing agency.
Here, online Escorts ,the girls are ‘high class’ and are known as escorts and not prostitutes, whose work is to ‘escort dignitaries’ and can be found as online escorts. Online Escorts agencies are companies that book and dispatch mainly fresh-faced young chicks and young men to a customer’s house, hotel room, or other requested location. Some agencies also provide escorts for longer durations, who may stay with the client or travel along on a holiday or business trip. It is more lucrative than street prostitution. The girls are promised milk and honey, as the pay promised ranges from Sh20,000 to Sh35,000 per week, depending on how much you can do to the client. And we mean ‘can do’ and not ‘for,’ otherwise these wicked guys promptly show one the door.